Cheat mode:
Enter one of the following codes at the main menu.
A message will confirm correct code entry. The game cannot be
saved after a code has been enabled. Repeat a code to disable
its effect.
Master code:
Quickly press Yellow, Orange, Blue(2),
Orange, Yellow(2) at the main menu. In the European
version, quickly press Yellow, Orange(2), Yellow,
Blue(2), Yellow.
Toggle no venues:
Quickly press Blue, Yellow, Orange,
Blue, Yellow, Orange at the main menu. Only
the band and crowd will be visible, with no background. In the
European version, quickly press Orange, Yellow,
Orange, Blue(2), Yellow.
Air guitar:
Quickly press Orange(2), Blue, Yellow,
Orange at the main menu. In the European version, press
quickly press Yellow(2), Orange, Blue, Yellow.
Rock meter always green:
Press Yellow, Blue, Orange(2),
Blue, Blue, Yellow, Orange at the
main menu. In the European version, quickly press Orange,
Blue, Yellow(2), Blue(2), Orange,
Guitarist always plays Guitar Hero SG:
Quickly press Blue, Orange, Yellow,
Blue(2) at the main menu. In the European version, quickly
press Blue, Yellow, Blue, Orange,
Monkey audience:
Quickly press Blue, Orange, Yellow(3),
Blue, Orange at the main menu. In the European version,
quickly press Yellow, Blue(2), Orange(2),
Blue, Yellow.
Skull audience:
Quickly press Orange, Yellow, Blue(2),
Orange, Yellow, Blue(2) at the main menu.
In the European version, quickly press Yellow, Blue,
Yellow(2), Blue(2), Orange(2).
Battle Axe:
Successfully complete Career mode under the expert
difficulty setting.
Guitar God rank:
Get a five star rank on all songs and bonus tracks
under the normal, hard, and expert difficulty settings.
Spend the indicated amount of money at the Song Shop
to unlock the corresponding song.
Acro-Brats (Call Out): $250
Anarchy Club (Behind the Mask): $250
Artillery ("The Breaking Wheel"): $250
Black Label Society(w/ Zakk Wylde) (Fire it up): $300
Count Zero (Sail Your Ship By): $250
Din (Fly on the Wall): $250
Drist (Decontrol): $250
Freezepop (Get Ready 2 Rokk): $250
Graveyard BBQ (Cheat on the Church): $300
Honest Bob and the Factory-to-Dealer Incentives (Hey): $250
Made in Mexico (Farewell Myth): $250
Monkey Steal the Peach (Guitar Hero Theme): $250
Shaimus (All Of This): $250
The Bags (CaveMan Rejoice): $300
The Model Sons (The Story OF MY LOVE): $250
The Slip (Even Rats): $250
Upper Crust (Eureka, I've Found Love): $300
Guitar skins:
Spend the indicated amount of money at the Skin Shop
to unlock the corresponding guitar skin.
Apline White Gibson EDS-1275: $150
Birdseye Maple Gibson ES-335: $200
Blue Gibson Firebird: $150
Cherry Gibson Les Paul Special: $200
Cooper Gibson Firebird: $200
Cracked Blue Gibson Flying V: $250
Custom Cherry Gibson ES-335: $250
Custom Dragon Gibson Moderne: $250
Custom Flame Gibson SG: $250
Custom Rising Sun Gibson Explorer: $250
Custom Snakeskin Gibson Corvus: $250
Ebony Gibson ES-335: $150
Ebony Gibson Les Paul Standard: $150
Ebony Gibson Moderne: $200
Ebony Gibson SG: $150
Gibson Morderne Red: $150
Goldtop GIbson Les Paul Standard: $200
Green Lighting Gibson Les Paul Special: $250
Natural Gibson Corvus: $200
Natural Gibson Explorer: $200
Natural Gibson Flying V2: $200
Psychodelic Gibson Firebird: $250
White Gibson Corvus White: $150
White Gibson Explorer: $150
White Gibson Les Paul Special: $150
Worn Cherry Gibson Flying V: $150
Worn White Gibson SG: $200
Zakk Wylde Gibson Les Paul Custom: $250
Spend the indicated amount of money at the Guitar Shop
to unlock the corresponding instrument.
Gibson Corvus: $700
Gibson EDS-1275 doubleneck: $850
Gibson ES-335: $600
Gibson Explorer: $600
Gibson Firebird: $600
Gibson Les Paul Special: $600
Gibson Moderne: $700
Spend the indicated amount of money at the Character
Shop to unlock the corresponding person.
Grim Reaper: $8,000
Izzy Sparks: $5,000
Spend the indicated amount of money at the Video Shop
to unlock the corresponding video.
Characters: $325
Songs: $350
Venues: $325
Hint: The Breaking Wheel:
When playing The Breaking Wheel do not strum. Just
hold the Strum Bar and strum the notes when they pass by.
Hint: Alternate controls:
Instead of using the guitar controller, a standard
controller can be used as follows.
Green: L2
Red: L1
Yellow: R1
Blue: R2
Orange: X
Starpower: Select
Whammy bar: Left Analog-stick
Hint: Custom guitars:
Each character has a guitar that belongs to them as
told in the description of the skin. Note: The Scythe can only
be used by The Grim Ripper, and is the only guitar he can use.
The Cherry Gibson SG belongs to Axel Steel.
The Birdseye Maple Gibson ES-335 belongs to Clive Winston.
The Worn White Gibson SG belongs to Judy Nails.
The Green Lightning Gibson Les Paul Special belongs to Johnny Napalm.
The Blue Gibson Firebird belongs to Pandora.
The White Gibson Corvus White belongs to Xavier Stone.
The Custom Rising Sun Gibson Explorer belongs to Izzy Sparks.
The Scythe belongs to The Grim Ripper
Hint: Easier playing:
Use the following trick to make harder difficulties
easier. The guitar controller is required. When playing in the
harder difficulties, use a rubber band and three coins to hold
down the green fret on the guitar controller.
Hint: Flaming hands:
If you have a tough song and have a long note streak
going, sometimes you will see your player's hands on fire. Note:
This was done while playing The Ramones "I Wanna Be Sedated"
under the Hard difficulty playing as Clive Whintston on his custom
maple guitar.
Hint: Hammering on:
Note: This can only be used if there is one note immediately
following another. When you play a single green, red, yellow,
or blue note and it is followed by a note that is to the right
of it on the guitar controller's neck, you can hit the note without
strumming the second note by keeping your finger on the first
note and then pressing the next note.
Hint: This Is Spinal Tap
On the loading screen, notice that all three knobs
on the amp are numbered 1 to 11, instead of 10 like on a real
amp. This is a clear reference to a popular joke from the film
This Is Spinal Tap.
Glitch: Grim Ripper does not have Scythe
The Grim Ripper usually uses the Scythe for his guitar.
However, when you enable the "Air Guitar" code, he uses
the air guitar and not the Scythe.
Master code:
Press Blue, Yellow, Orange, Red,
Orange, Yellow, Red, Yellow, Red,
Yellow, Red, Yellow, Red, Yellow,
Red, Yellow at the main menu to unlock all guitars,
songs, videos, and cheats. Saving the game will be disabled, and
you must turn off the PlayStation2 to disable its effect.
In the PAL version, press Blue, Yellow, Orange(2), Yellow, Blue, Yellow, Blue, Yellow, Blue, Yellow, Blue, Yellow, Blue, Yellow at the main menu.
Hyper speed mode:
Press Orange, Blue, Orange, Yellow,
Orange, Blue, Orange, Yellow at the
main menu. The frets will be moving faster. You can still save
your game when this code is enabled. Repeat this code to disable
its effect.
In the PAL version, press Yellow, Orange, Blue, Orange, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Orange at the main menu.
Performance mode:
Press Yellow(2), Blue, Yellow(2),
Orange, Yellow(2) at the main menu. Everything disappears
except for the performance.
In the PAL version, press Yellow(2), Orange, Yellow(2), Blue, Yellow(2) at the main menu.
Air guitar mode:
Press Yellow(2), Blue, Orange,
Yellow, Blue at the main menu.
In the PAL version, press Blue, Yellow, Orange,
Blue, Yellow(2) at the main menu.
aiirf masclra teaytfri cnthgs.
Eyeball head crowd:
Press Blue, Orange, Yellow, Orange,
Yellow, Orange, Blue at the main menu.
In the PAL version, press Yellow, Orange, Blue, Orange, Blue, Orange, Yellow at the main menu.
Monkey head crowd:
Press Orange, Blue, Yellow(2),
Orange, Blue, Yellow at the main menu.
In the PAL version, press Yellow(2), Blue, Orange, Yellow(2), Blue, Orange at the main menu.
Flaming head:
Press Orange, Yellow, Orange,
Yellow, Orange, Yellow at the main menu.
In the PAL version, press Yellow(2), Orange, Yellow, Orange(2), Yellow, Orange at the main menu.
Horse head:
Press Blue, Orange(2), Blue, Orange(2),
Blue, Orange(2), Blue at the main menu.
In the PAL version, press Orange(2), Blue, Orange(2), Blue, Orange(2), Blue, Orange at the main menu.
Pro-Face Off mode:
Successfully complete the Career mode under the medium
difficulty setting. You can now play against your friends with
same notes.
Bonus guitars:
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding
guitar at the shop.
Snaketapus: Complete Hard mode.
The Log: Get a five star rank on all songs in Expert mode.
Battle Axe: Complete Expert mode.
Casket: Complete Medium mode.
Eyeball: Get a five star rank on all songs in Hard mode.
Fish: Complete Easy mode.
U.S.A.: Get a five star rank on all songs in Easy mode.
Viking: Get a five star rank on all songs in Medium mode.
Bonus basses:
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding
bass at the shop for Co-op mode.
Gibson Cherry SG: Complete 10 songs in Co-op mode.
Gibson Cream SG: Get a golden five star rank on all 40 original songs.
Gibson Grabber: Complete 20 songs in Co-op mode.
Gibson Natural Maple Grabber: Get a golden five star rank on every song.
Gibson Natural Thunderbird: Get a five star rank on all of the regular songs in Co-op mode.
Gibson Thunderbird: Complete 30 Songs in Co-op mode.
Hofner Sunburst classic : Get a five star rank on every song including the bonus songs.
Musicman Lava Pearl Stingray: Complete 21 songs with a five star rank in Co-op mode.
Bonus songs:
Note: You must do the following under the medium or
higher difficulty setting.
Tonight, I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight: Complete the first set and do the encore.
Carry On My Wayward Son: Complete the second set and do the encore.
War Pigs: Complete the third set and do the encore.
Sweet Child O' Mine: Complete the fourth set and do the encore.
Last Child: Complete the fifth set and do the encore.
Stop: Complete the sixth set and do the encore.
YYZ: Complete the seventh set and do the encore.
Free Bird: Complete the eighth set and do the encore.
Hint: Golden four star:
Hit every note in a song but strum an extra time whenever
you get a 4x multiplier.
Hint: Foreign notes:
There are several foreign notes in a few songs. A foreign
note is a note that is where it is not supposed to be. For example,
a blue note in an easy song, or an orange note in a medium song.
In the song "Raw Dog" under the easy difficulty setting,
there will be a blue note in verse 1. Also, in the song "Arterial
Black" under the medium difficulty setting, you will find
an orange note in GTR Solo F.
Hint: Select a song during the demo song:
When the game finally loads, allow it to idle at the
title screen, with "Press Any Key". Wait for the song
to load. Once it starts playing, immediately press all the fret
buttons and flip the flipper. The screen will turn black, Keep
hitting the frets and the flipper for several seconds, then stop.
Occasionally, the "Song Failed Retry, Continue, Exit"
message will appear. If you choose "Retry", it will
start the song over. If you select "Choose Different Song",
you may choose another song from the list. "Exit" just
takes you back to the title screen.
Hint: Play with DualShock controller:
Use the following trick to play in multi-player mode
with only have one SG controller. Playing with a normal controller
is very different than playing with a SG controller. For example,
you do not preset your fret and then strum; you just press the
fret and it strums for you. It is easier than using a SG controller,
but not as much fun. The button equivalents are as follows. Note:
To navigate the menu, use Up and Down to go up and
down. Press X to select the highlighted item and press
Triangle to go to the previous menu.
Green: R2
Red: R1
Yellow: L1
Blue: L2
Orange: X
Select (Star Power): Select
Start: Start
Strum: Left Analog-stick Up and Down
Hint: Cheat with a DualShock controller:
If you are having problems entering the cheat codes
with a PlayStation2 DualShock controller, you can use a DualShock
controller from a PSOne. To do this, hold D-pad Left at
the main menu, then convert and set the following buttons.
Red: Circle
Blue: X
Yellow: Triangle
Orange: Square
Green: R2
Hint: Faster song list:
Go into the songs list for Career mode. Plug in two
guitar controllers then make them both strum up or down (depending
on where you are). It will make it go faster.
Hint: Hammering on and pulling off:
Hammering On and Pulling Off happens when you can strum
on one note and successfully hit the notes that come after it
without using the strum bar. Look for the single notes with white
rings on top instead of black rings. As long as you hit the previous
note, you can hit the next note by pressing the correct fret button.
This is especially useful on songs like Cult of Personality under
the Hard difficulty setting.
Hint: Angus Young reference:
When you play a song with Clive Winston, occasionally
he will move on one leg and move the other leg up and down. This
is a move that Angus Young, the guitarist from AC/DC, did during
Hint: Jimmy Page reference:
Play as Clive Whitnstin and activate Star Power. Sometimes
he will pull out a bow and play the guitar with it. Jimmy Page
of Led Zeppelin is famous for doing this.
Glitch: Get the Grim Ripper to play something
other that the scythe:
You must have the Grim Ripper, and two files (medium
and hard) to do this trick. In your second file, set the Grim
Ripper as your character. Then, go into your first file and play
as someone else. Give him or her a new guitar. Go back to your
second file. The Grim Ripper should have another guitar other
than the scythe.
Use the following trick to get Grim Ripper to play a guitar from the original Guitar Hero. You must have the Grim Ripper, and two files (medium and hard) to do this trick. In your second file, set the Grim Ripper as your character. Then, go into your first file and play as someone else. Give him or her one of the unlockable guitars. Go back to your second file. The Grim Ripper should have a Gibson Les Paul Cherry Sunburst Classic (which is not available for purchase in Guitar Hero 2.
Have the Grim Ripper selected as your career, then turn the PlayStation2
off and back on again. The Grim Ripper will cycle between all
of your guitars.
Glitch: Use scythe guitar with any character:
Purchase the Grim Ripper, then load your file on Career
mode. Select the Grim Ripper, then go back and select any character
with more than one costume. Select the character, and they will
be using the scythe.
Unlock the Grim Reaper. Go to Career mode and choose him. Then,
go to change your character and choose anybody. It should say
they are using the scythe. Play a live show and they will be using
Glitch: Reuse "Free Bird" scene
on other songs:
First, complete "Free Bird" and have at least
one more Encore song (a song you played for an encore) that is
not "Free Bird". Use the Stonehedge level on Career
mode. If you play an Encore song, it will use the Free Bird scenery,
but play the song of your choice.
Master code:
Press Blue, Orange, Yellow, Red,
Orange, Yellow, Blue, Yellow, Red,
Yellow, Blue, Yellow, Red, Yellow,
Blue, Yellow at the main menu to unlock all guitars,
songs, videos, and cheats. Saving the game will be disabled, and
you must turn off the PlayStation2 to disable its effect.
Performance mode:
Press Blue(2), Orange, Yellow(2),
Blue, Orange, Blue at the main menu. Everything
disappears except for the performance.
Hyperspeed mode:
Press Yellow, Blue, Orange(2),
Blue, Yellow(2), Orange at the main menu.
The frets will be moving faster. You can still save your game
when this code is enabled. Repeat this code to disable its effect.
Air guitar:
Press Yellow, Blue, Yellow, Orange,
Blue(2) at the main menu.
Horse head:
Press Blue, Orange(2), Blue, Yellow,
Blue, Orange(2), Blue, Yellow at the
main menu.
Flame head:
Press Yellow, Orange, Yellow,
Orange, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Orange
at the main menu.
Eyeball crowd:
Press Yellow, Blue, Orange(3),
Blue, Yellow at the main menu.
Monkey crowd:
Press Blue(2), Orange, Yellow,
Blue(2), Orange, Yellow at the main menu.
Pro Face-Off mode:
Successfully complete the game under the Hard or higher
difficulty setting.
Hint: Guitars:
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding
guitar in the shop.
Axe: Complete Expert Career mode,
Casket: Complete Medium Career mode.
Eyeball: Get a "Five Star" rank on all Hard Career mode songs.
Fish: Complete Easy Career mode.
Snaketapus: Complete Hard Career mode.
The Log: Get a "Five Star" rank on all Expert Career mode songs.
USA: Get a "Five Star" rank on all Easy Career mode songs.
Viking: Get a "Five Star" rank on all Medium Career mode songs.
Hint: Basses:
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding
bass in the shop, which is only usable in co-op mode by the bass
player with a song with a bass track.
Gibson Cream SG: Get a "Five Star" rank on 20 songs in Co-Op mode.
Gibson Grabber: Complete 20 songs in co-op mode.
Gibson Natural Maple Grabber: Get a "Four Star" or better rank on all songs in Co-Op mode.
Gibson Natural Sunburst Thunderbird: Get a "Five Star" rank on all songs in Co-Op mode.
Gibson SG: Complete 10 songs in Co-Op mode.
Gibson Thunderbird: Complete 30 songs in Co-Op mode.
Hofner: Complete all songs in Co-Op mode.
Musicman Lava Pearl Stingray: Get a "Five Star" rank on all songs in Co-Op mode.
Hint: Encore songs:
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding
18 And Life by Skid Row: Complete the first set and do the encore.
Because It's Midnight by Limozeen: Complete Amp Warmers and do the encore.
I Wanna Rock by Twisted Sister: Complete String Snappers and do the encore.
Round And Round by Ratt: Complete Return Of The Shred.
Wrathchild by Iron Maiden: Complete Relentless Riffs.
Play With Me by Extreme: Complete Furious Fretwork.
Glitch: "Los Angeles": Missing
In the song " Los Angeles" there are male
and female vocals, but the male singer is nowhere to be found.
Cheat mode:
Enter the "Options" menu. Select "Cheats",
then "Enter New Cheat". Then, enter one of the following
codes to unlock the corresponding cheat option. Note: Each note
or chord must be strummed during code entry. Press Green
at the "Cheats" menu to turn off a particular cheat.
Note: To enter the codes on a DualShock controller, use the following button equivalents and press Up to strum each entry.
Press L2 instead of Green.
Press L1 instead of Red.
Press R1 instead of Yellow.
Press R2 instead of Blue.
Press X instead of Orange.
Large Gems:
Press Green, Red, Green, Yellow,
Green, Blue, Green, Orange, Green,
Blue, Green, Yellow, Green, Red,
Green, Green + Red, Red + Yellow,
Green + Red, Yellow + Blue, Green
+ Red, Blue + Orange, Green + Red,
Yellow + Blue, Green + Red, Red
+ Yellow, Green + Red, Green + Yellow.
Unlock Everything:
Press [Green + Red + Blue + Orange],
[Green + Red + Yellow + Blue], [Green
+ Red + Yellow + Orange], [GreenBlue + Yellow + Orange], [Green +
Red + Yellow + Blue], [Red + Yellow
+ Blue + Orange], [Green + Red + Yellow
+ Blue], [Green + Yellow + Blue +
Orange], [Green + Red + Yellow + Blue],
[Green + Red + Yellow + Orange], [Green
+ Red + Yellow + Orange], [Green +
Red + Yellow + Blue], [Green + Red
+ Yellow + Orange]. Note: There will be no sound
while entering the four note "chords". Go into the shop
in Career mode to access all items. Songs are not unlocked with
this code.
Easy Expert mode:
Press Green + Red, Green + Yellow,
Yellow + Blue, Red + Blue, Blue
+ Orange, Yellow + Orange, Red + Yellow,
Red + Blue. This mode increases the size of the
timing window.
No Fail:
Press Green + Red, Blue, Green
+ Red, Green + Yellow, Blue, Green
+ Yellow, Red + Yellow, Orange, Red
+ Yellow, Green + Yellow, Yellow,
Green + Yellow, Green + Red.
All songs in Quick Play mode:
Press Yellow + Orange, Red + Blue,
Red + Orange, Green + Blue, Red
+ Yellow, Yellow + Orange, Red + Yellow,
Red + Blue, [Green + Yellow] two times,
[Yellow + Blue] two times, [Yellow + Orange]
two times, Yellow + Blue, Yellow, Red,
Red + Yellow, Red, Yellow, Orange.
Hyperspeed mode:
Press Orange, Blue, Orange, Yellow,
Orange, Blue, Orange, Yellow. This
code makes the charts faster. There are five Hyperspeed levels.
Press Green at the Hyperspeed option on the "Cheats"
menu to cycle through them.
Precision mode:
Press [Green + Red] three times, [Red
+ Yellow] two times, [Red + Blue] two times,
Yellow + Blue, Yellow + Orange, Yellow
+ Orange, [Green + Red] three times, [Red
+ Yellow] two times, [Red + Blue] two times,
YellowBlue, [Yellow + Orange] two
Performance mode:
Press Red + Yellow, Red + Blue,
Red + Orange, Red + Blue, Red
+ Yellow, Green + Blue, Red + Yellow,
Red + Blue.
Air Guitar:
Press Yellow + Blue, [Green +
Yellow] two times, [Red + Blue] two times,
[Red + Yellow] two times, Yellow + Blue,
[Green + Yellow] two times, [Red + Blue]
two times, [Red + Yellow] two times, [Green
+ Yellow] two times, [Red + Yellow] two times.
"Through The Fire And Flames"
Defeat Lou to automatically unlock the "Through
The Fire And Flames" song for free.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding
Bat: Get a "Five Star" rank on all the songs under the Easy difficulty in Career mode.
Distant Visitor: Complete Career mode under the Expert difficulty.
El Jefe: Get a "Five Star" rank on all the songs under the Expert difficulty in Career mode.
Jolly Roger: Get a "Five Star" rank on all the songs under the Medium difficulty in Career mode.
Moon Shot: Complete the game under the Easy difficulty.
Nemesis 13: Complete Co-op Career mode under the Medium difficulty.
Risk Assessment: Complete the game under the Expert difficulty setting.
Rojimbo: Complete the game under the Hard difficulty.
Saint George: Complete the game under the Medium difficulty.
Tiki Face: Get a "Five Star" rank on all songs under the Hard difficulty setting in Career mode.
Unfortunator: Buy Metalhead as a character for $10,000.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding
Beach Life: Complete Co-op Mode under the Hard difficulty.
Neversoft Skateboard: Complete Co-Op mode under the Expert difficulty with a "Five Star" rank on all songs.
PendulAxe Bass: Complete Co-op Mode under the Expert difficulty.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding
Elroy Budvis: Already available for purchase at the store for $10,000.
Lou: Successfully complete the game to purchase Lou for $15,000. Lou comes with his skeleton guitar and two costumes (original devil outfit and werewolf viking).
MetalHead: Already available for purchase at the store for $10,000.
Slash: Defeat him in the Boss battle in Career mode to unlock him for purchase at the store for $10,000.
Tom Morello: Defeat him in the Boss battle in Career mode to unlock him for purchase at the store for $10,000.
Hint: Easy "Through The Fire And Flames":
On "Through The Fire And Flames", before
you use Star Power, pause Game Play. Hold Select and resume
game play. By doing this, you will not miss as many notes if you
are going for a "Five Star" rank.
In the Through The Fire And Flames introduction, before you start
wrap a rubber band around Green. By doing this, you will
not have to worry about holding Green; it does it for you.
Make sure you press the other buttons quickly so that Green
can register. If you hold the buttons as you do the hammer-ons,
Green will not register, and you will fail.
Cheat mode:
Enter the "Options" menu. Select "Cheats",
then "Enter New Cheat". Then, enter one of the following
codes to unlock the corresponding cheat option. Note: Each note
or chord must be strummed during code entry. Press Green
at the "Cheats" menu to turn off a particular cheat.
Unlock All:
Press Red + Yellow, [Green + Red]
two times, [Red + Yellow] two times, Green
+ Red, [Red + Yellow] two times, [Green
+ Red] two times, [Red + Yellow] two times,
Green + Red, Red + Yellow, Red
+ Blue. This code unlocks all songs.
Air Guitar:
Press Red + Yellow, Green + Red,
[Red + Yellow] two times, [Red + Blue]
five times, Yellow + Blue] two times, Yellow
+ Orange.
Performance Mode:
Press [Green + Red] two times, Red
+ Orange, Red + Blue, [Green + Red]
two times, Red + Orange, Red + Blue.
wdubn iwgsc hlg, .
Precision Mode:
Press Red + Yellow, [Red + Blue]
two times, [Red + Yellow] two times, [Yellow
+ Blue] three times, Red + Blue, Red
+ Yellow, [Red + Blue] two times, [Red
+ Yellow] two times, [Yellow + Blue] three
times, Red + Blue.
Press [Yellow + Orange] five times, [Red
+ Yellow] four times, [Red + Blue] five times,
Yellow + Blue, [Yellow + Orange] two
No Fail:
Press Green + Red, Blue, Green
+ Red, Green + Yellow, Blue, Green
+ Yellow, Red + Yellow, Orange, Red
+ Yellow, Green + Yellow, Yellow,
Green + Yellow, Green + Red.
Large Gems:
Press Green, Red, Green, Yellow,
Green, Blue, Green, Orange, Green,
Blue, Green, Yellow, Green, Red,
Green, Green + Red, Red + Yellow,
Green + Red, Yellow + Blue, Green
+ Red, Blue + Orange, Green + Red,
Yellow + Blue, Green + Red, Red
+ Yellow, Green + Red, Green + Yellow.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding
song. To access them, press Blue at the main setlist to bring
up "The Vault" track list.
"Kings and Queens" by Aerosmith: Complete Career Tour.
"Joe Perry Guitar Battle" by Joe Perry: Defeat Joe Perry in a Guitar Battle in Career mode.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding
guitar for purchase at The Vault.
Doubleneck: Get a "5 Star" rank on all songs, except the bonus song, under the Expert difficulty.
Get A Grip: Complete Career mode under the Hard difficulty.
Nine Lives: Complete Career mode under the Easy difficulty.
Permanent Vacation: Complete the game under the Medium difficulty.
Rock In A Hard Place: Get a "5 Star" rank on all songs, except the bonus song, under the Medium difficulty.
Toys In The Attic: Get a "5 Star" rank on all songs, except the bonus song, under the Easy difficulty.
Walk This Way: Complete Career mode under the Expert difficulty.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding
character for purchase in Career mode.
DMC: Complete "King of Rock" by Run DMC.
Joe Perry: Defeat Joe Perry in a Guitar Battle in Career mode.